Monday 11 August 2008

Wonderful Body Bits

Last week I received some great and encouraging emails from around the world about favourite body parts (reference my blog on 5 August).

It is great to read that we all have favourite bits. Whether they are eyes, ears, bottoms or legs, it would seem that we can all find a bit of our bodies that we think is fabulous.

Now that we have great bits to be proud of, I would suggest we emphasise these areas by drawing attention to them with our clothes or accessories. For instance, if your butt is your best bit, then wear a great bottom hugging pair of jeans. Alternatively, those who love your arms, wear vests to show off those toned limbs.

Me? I will be wearing flip flops for as long as the weather will allow!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

You Favourite Body Part

Last night I watched a documentary about people who make a living as a body part double. It was really quite interesting.

These people were normal but had one part of their body that was perfect. For instance, there was a lady whose hands were used for all sorts of advertisements, commercials and film parts. Her hands were nice, certainly better than mine, and even though a model may look great in a photograph, chances are her hands have been substituted by a hand model.

This then made me think what part of me could I use as a body part double? I think I could probably use my feet! There isn't anything odd about them, no sticky out bits, all the toes are in alignment, only trouble is, they are a little bit broader than the average foot!

I'd love you to post, or even add a photo (nothing dirty please), of you favourite body part!

Friday 1 August 2008

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

This week the BBC published an article about losing weight.

A study by The University of Pittsburgh in the US found the 55-minute regime was the minimum needed to maintain a 10% drop in weight.

Women who want to lose weight - and keep it off - need to be exercising for almost an hour, five days a week, according to the experts.

Hummm, now, how many of us already knew that answer? Exercising daily + eating healthily = weight loss. Did we need a University study to tell us that?

Wednesday 30 July 2008


For years I have wondered why there aren't decent flip flops (thongs for the Aussies) to wear when out walking. Instead I have had to go power-walking in trainers during the summer and suffer red, puffy, steaming feet.

I first found out about FitFlops last year but thought they were too expensive to justify. This year I have bought three pairs and am sooooooo pleased with them.

Here in England we are having the usual inclement summer, but from April to September I like to be shod in open toed shoes, usually flipflops.

I've been doing my usual power-walking in my FitFlops, my feet are happy, they look stylish (very important), they are comfy, and, I am giving my glutes and legs the best opportunity to really get a good workout.

They are definitely worth every penny.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Yahoo Answers

Most days I try to answer diet and fitness questions on Yahoo Answers.

I am somewhat alarmed at the amount of posts from 12 or 13 year old girls. Their requests are not about the usual teenage angst's, but about losing weight, being skinny and getting a flatter tummy.

This is the time in a girls life when changes start happening to her body, trying to diet will result in a confused body and the changes may not be as efficient as they ought to would be.

I would like to point out here, that the girls writing on Yahoo also state their height and weight, and, it is always the girls that do not need to lose weight that want to lose more!

Is this an epidemic amongst young teenagers?

Monday 21 July 2008

Lemonade Diet

Last night I watched Denise Richards' reality show. It is strangely compelling and she does comes across as very like able.

Anyway, Denise and her pals decided to try the Lemonade Diet. After a few days of just drinking lemon, water, pepper & maple syrup all mixed together, the general consensus was that it wasn't working! Sensibly all of the girls stopped the diet.

I have been reading quite a lot about people wanting to do this diet, their first question is does it work? And what are the pros and cons etc?

The simple answer is that of course it isn't good for you! Where is the fibre, vitamins and minerals etc. Not to mention the dissatisfaction of not actually chewing any food and just gulping down a rather unusual tasting drink.

Why not add an extra fresh vegetable to your main meal of the day. You'll feel fuller for longer without a massive calorie intake and be getting fibre and vitamins too.

Friday 18 July 2008

Lose Weight and Save Money!

Home made soup is a great cheap meal. You don't need to buy the best veg, you can get the cheaper ones from the market, especially if you haggle.

Peel and chop your veg, put in a large pan, add water to cover, any herbs you have kicking around, season. Boil until the veg is soft. Then you can either keep the chunky veg soup or blend to a smooth puree.

You then have a good nourishing meal. You can make this in bulk and freeze.

Eating homemade soup, especially if chunky, will ensure you are full, getting plenty of vitamins and fibre, and not having a meal that is high in calories.