Tuesday, 5 August 2008

You Favourite Body Part

Last night I watched a documentary about people who make a living as a body part double. It was really quite interesting.

These people were normal but had one part of their body that was perfect. For instance, there was a lady whose hands were used for all sorts of advertisements, commercials and film parts. Her hands were nice, certainly better than mine, and even though a model may look great in a photograph, chances are her hands have been substituted by a hand model.

This then made me think what part of me could I use as a body part double? I think I could probably use my feet! There isn't anything odd about them, no sticky out bits, all the toes are in alignment, only trouble is, they are a little bit broader than the average foot!

I'd love you to post, or even add a photo (nothing dirty please), of you favourite body part!

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