Tuesday 15 July 2008


It would seem that there is quite a lot of controversy about smoothies, whether they are good for us or not.

A smoothie has even been compared to a bar of chocolate. The chocolate bar having less calories than a smoothie.

If a smoothie is drunk as part of a meal and considered as part of our calorie intake then it can't do any harm at all. In fact it can only do good because of the vitamins and fibre it contains.

If we drank a smoothie every day and continued to eat just as much as usual, yes we would gain weight - energy in needs to equal energy out. This theory applies to everything that we eat, whether it is a smoothie or chocolate, if we overeat then we will gain weight.

A smoothie is not responsible for weight gain - we are! Drink a smoothie, make an adjustment with the rest of your calorie intake for the day, or do a little more exercise.

Check out http://www.coreminutes.com for some FREE exercises to do, that way you can justify your smoothie!

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